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What Steams Amy?

Well this is a nifty little place where I share my opinions, because I have a LOT of them. :D

Wii Madness:

Seriously, it's bananas, what the Wii fit does to one's self esteem! I finally got my weight down so my wii fit to say I'm "normal," but it still shows my Mii as fat. HUH? I think I'll make myself 2 inches taller, it's not like the Nintendo Police are coming to measure me!

The Great "Strap= Purse" Brain Lapse:

While I adore my Tuesday and Thursday dates with Kaelin, the cutest not-quite-two year old in all of Washington State, most of my life is now baby-free. I am no longer used to grabbing a purse AND a diaper bag. What does this mean? It means if I have any extra bags in my posession, be it a diaper bag, a bag of knitting or extra clothes for the boys after swimming lessons, it is VERY likely that I will forget my purse! While this may keep me from swinging into my local espresso stand on a lazy morning or grabbing lunch at Taco Time instead of making lunch at home, it's kindof a bummer if you should need to, oh, say, BUY GAS? And what if, God forbid, I got pulled over? The local sherrif's department might frown upon a lack of driver's liscence and proof of insurance!

Thankfully, I made it home with about 4 tablespoons of gas still in the tank and no officer-encounters, but I wonder if a "GOT PURSE?" Sign on the steering wheel is in order ...

Passing the torch:
I gotta know, when do kids take over stuff like washing their own hair and trimming their nails? When the boys were little, it was so easy to keep track of that stuff. Now, they walk by and I catch a glance of their finger nails and look in HORROR! "Eek! Quick! I'll trim your fingernails while we wait for the bus!" (yes, I have done that. I'm not proud of it, but it was that or buy my kid a PERCH.)

When do you let kids wash their own hair, running the risk of impropper washing behind one's ears or leaving soap in the front? When do you hand kids something sharp like clippers and say, "Here, cut near your DIGITS with these." Alan's nearly NINE, so I'm sure I need to allow him to do some of this himself, but I don't know if I'm ready. Thoughts? Concerns? Complaints because I talked about nail trimming and ruined your appetite for coffee?

Who Owns the Snow?

Yes, this was an actual debate in our house today. Someone made a snowball and left it. Someone else (a.k.a. younger brother) decided to make it into a snowman. And now, they're fighting over who actually owns said snowball! SERIOUSLY, children?! And just when I thought I was going to lose my mind, Tank, our lovable, but less than brilliant Australian shepherd, walked up and took a big bite out of it. Well, that settles it-- the DOG owns the snow. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the laugh this morning!! I needed it, and I'm right with ya about the purse!
